May 2021 | Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

Website with FAQs – Frequently asked questions about Long COVID answered by the Robert Koch Institute

For the first time, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is publishing a list of FAQs (answers to frequently asked questions) with information on Long COVID on its website.


Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is a federal institute in the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health. The RKI is the central institution of the Federal Government in the field of disease surveillance and prevention and thus also the central institution of the Federal Government in the field of application and action-oriented biomedical research. The core tasks of the RKI include the detection, prevention and control of diseases, especially infectious diseases. It develops scientific findings as a basis for health policy making, advises the responsible federal ministries, notably the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), and informs the expert public and, to a greater extent, the population at large.