Jan 2024 | University of Zurich | Science

New research approach for the diagnosis of Long COVID

The diagnosis of Long COVID is still challenging due to the diffuse symptoms. Researchers from an international team led by the University of Zurich have now identified parameters, which could be used to better distinguish Long COVID from other disease symptoms. The study was published in the scientific journal Nature.

The researchers examined the blood of 113 persons suffering from COVID-19 and 39 healthy persons and analysed more than 6,000 proteins. Of the 113 people, 40 have developed Long COVID. Their blood was analysed again after 6 and 12 months. This showed that the concentration of various proteins, that have important functions for balance in the immune system, was altered. The team also identified other so-called “biomarkers” for tissue damage and altered blood clotting. Biomarkers are relevant, measurable biological parameters, which indicate an illness. 

Taken together, the biomarkers indicate, among other things, a faulty activation of the immune system, which could contribute to the development of symptoms in persons suffering from Long COVID. The findings are a new starting point for research into Long COVID diagnosis.

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Article in the journal Science

University of Zurich

The University of Zurich (UZH for short) is the largest university in Switzerland. As a comprehensive university, it unites all the classical faculties under its roof: Theology, Law, Economics, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Philosophy and Mathematics/Natural Sciences.


Science is a major medical journal, which is published weekly by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). It publishes articles on current topics in biomedical research, which are aimed at scientists and the medical fraternity.