Jan 2022 | Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation (BAR) e.V. (Federal Working Group for Rehabilitation (BAR) )

Inventory survey: Long COVID in medical rehabilitation

In its survey of 338 rehabilitation facilities, the Long COVID inventory survey comes to the conclusion that 2/3 of them have sufficient capacities and the personnel, spatial, technical-apparatus and professional prerequisites for Long COVID rehabilitation. According to the survey, most of them received a therapeutic placement after a waiting period of about five weeks.

Illustration: Hard copy of the report on stocktaking

© Copyright: BAR

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation (BAR) e.V. (Federal Working Group for Rehabilitation (BAR) )

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation (BAR) e.V. (Federal Working Group for Rehabilitation (BAR) )

The Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e. V. (Federal Working Group for Rehabilitation). (BAR) is the association of rehabilitation providers and promotes the participation of people with disabilities in the social benefit system. The BAR coordinates and supports the cooperation and knowledge transfer of the rehabilitation providers. It also works on the further development of rehabilitation and participation. Its members are the statutory pension, health and accident insurance providers, the Federal Employment Agency, the Federal States, the Federal Association of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Centres, the Federal Association of Local Social Welfare Providers, the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the social partners.