Jul 2022 | University Hospital Regensburg (UKR) | Internal Medicine

A review paper from the University Hospital Regensburg reports on studies on the significance of COVID-19 vaccination in connection with Long COVID

A review of existing studies on corona vaccination and Long COVID from the University Hospital Regensburg investigated the role of complete basic immunisation through vaccination against COVID-19 in preventing Long COVID or treating it subsequently. The researchers found indications that a complete basic immunisation could reduce the risk of developing late sequelae after a COVID-19 infection. Vaccination given after infection with COVID-19 could also modify existing symptoms. However, the researchers have not yet been able to determine a therapeutic treatment effect. The work was published in the journal "Die Innere Medizin" (Internal medicine).

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University Hospital Regensburg (UKR)

The University Hospital Regensburg (UKR) focuses on high-performance medicine, especially in the fields of transplantation and immune medicine as well as oncological and cardiovascular diseases. National and international research projects are based at the UKR. The results of their work are incorporated directly into patient care. The central focus of research at the University Hospital Regensburg is on the one hand on the field of immunotherapy and on the other hand on the field of tumour research. The clinical and clinical-scientific focus at the University Hospital is transplantation medicine.

Internal Medicine

"Die Innere Medizin" is a medical journal published by Springer Medizin Verlag. It is dedicated to internists in private practice and in hospitals, as well as to practitioners with a special interest in internal medicine and general practitioners. The journal reaches about 40,000 readers, making it the largest German-language specialist journal. It is published in cooperation with the German Society of Internal Medicine and the Professional Association of German Internists and appears twelve times a year.