Jul 2023 | Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
32,500 long COVID rehabilitations since the beginning of the pandemic
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 32,500 people across Germany have undergone medical long COVID rehabilitation. Deutsche Rentenversicherung reports an increase in applications over the last three years: In 2020, ca. 1,500 rehabilitations were carried out, in 2021 there were around 10,000, and in 2022 the number of rehabilitations was around 21,000.
Deutsche Rentenversicherung considers the increase in rehabilitation applications to be a positive development. This means that a large number of affected persons can be helped in a targeted manner. The scheduled services are tailored to the individual long COVID disease pattern in each case. Towards this end, doctors from various medical specialities are involved in the medical treatment. Such rehabilitation measures are designed to help patients return to their everyday and professional lives.
© Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (DRV) is the largest pension insurance provider in Germany. It also performs fundamental and cross-sectional tasks, including public relations work, research, statistics and the joint affairs of all pension insurance providers.