
GKV-Spitzenverband is the central organisation representing the interests of the statutory health and nursing care insurance providers in Germany, and at the European and international levels. It shapes the framework conditions for intensive competition with regard to quality and economic efficiency in healthcare and nursing care. The health of the approximately 73 million insured persons is at the centre of its activities.

GKV-Spitzenverbandes logo

The contracts concluded by GKV-Spitzenverband and its other decisions apply to all health insurance funds, their regional associations and therefore practically all those with statutory health insurance. GKV-Spitzenverband supports the health insurance funds and their regional associations in the fulfilment of their tasks and in safeguarding their interests. It has a wide range of possible effects. It advises parliaments and ministries on current legislative procedures and is a voting member of the Federal Joint Committee. It concludes contracts and agreements with contractual partners at the federal level and negotiates guidelines for healthcare and nursing care.

GKV-Spitzenverband is the umbrella organisation of the health insurance funds in accordance with § 217a of SGB V. Its foundation dates back to the 2007 healthcare reform. With the act to strengthen competition in statutory health insurance (GKV-WSG), the association structures of the health insurance funds were streamlined. Since 1 July 2008, a single umbrella organisation (instead of seven previously) has therefore represented the interests of statutory health insurance at the federal level.

GKV-Spitzenverband is also the umbrella organisation of the nursing care insurance providers.

All statutory health insurance funds are members of GKV-Spitzenverband.

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