Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft (DKG) helps to find care options for those affected by long COVID.

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As the umbrella organisation for hospital operators, the DKG represents the interests of hospitals. In addition to its political tasks, the DKG has set itself the goal of public dialogue, the exchange of experience and the support of scientific research. Together with other stakeholders in the healthcare system - health insurance companies, doctors' associations and nursing associations - it decides on all important hospital-related issues. It plays a key role in shaping the remuneration system in the hospital sector and inpatient quality assurance. It is a member of the Federal Joint Committee, which makes binding decisions on cross-sectoral outpatient and inpatient care. The DKG also represents German hospitals at an international level. It exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes.

Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft provides information on the topic of long COVID care offers for the general and professional public. This is carried out in close cooperation with Deutsche Krankenhaus TrustCenter und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH (DKTIG) and Verband der Universitätsklinika Deutschlands (VUD). The German Hospital Directory is an up-to-date digital information portal and a directory for specialised care at university hospitals.

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