Deutsche Behindertensportverband (DBS) e.V. offers people with long COVID a wide range of sports, including medically prescribed rehabilitation sports.

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Deutsche Behindertensportverband e.V. is the professional association within the German Olympic Sports Confederation responsible for sports for people with disabilities. The wide range of sports programmes for people with disabilities, people at risk of disability or people with chronic illnesses includes rehabilitation sports as well as grassroots and competitive sports. According to the German Social Code, rehabilitation sport is a supplementary service to medical rehabilitation and serves to promote performance in everyday life and at work, coping with illness, participation and enjoyment of life.

As the largest provider of rehabilitation sports in Germany, the DBS and its regional associations offer rehabilitation sports for children and adults nationwide. Medically prescribed rehabilitation sport has a holistic approach with physical, psychological and social components. This makes it an effective complementary measure for rehabilitation, even after a COVID-19 illness. Long COVID sufferers, who often experience symptoms such as exhaustion, shortness of breath, dizziness or poor concentration, can access a rehabilitation sports programme close to home. The quality of the sports groups is ensured by specially qualified instruction and supervision by doctors. On the online platform https://reha-sportsuche.de/, those affected can find specific offers in their area, filter by diagnosis and type of rehabilitation sport and find contact details for sports clubs. The DBS regional associations will be happy to help you find a suitable group. 

Further information and contact details can be found on the DBS website and in the thematic flyer.

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