Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V. (BDA) informs employers about long COVID.

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As the umbrella organisation, the BDA organises the social and economic policy interests of the German economy. We pool the interests of one million companies with around 20 million employees. These companies are affiliated with the BDA through voluntary membership of employers' associations. Thanks to our roots in the companies, we are the authentic voice of German employers - in Europe and worldwide.

During the pandemic, the BDA successfully assumed a central coordination and information function for employers. It has collected, processed and pooled available information, including information on legal regulations. It has also helped to ensure a coordinated approach - particularly in the areas of testing and vaccination - and has worked towards the integration of occupational medical vaccination into the national vaccination strategy.

The BDA’s website provides information about COVID-19 for companies, as well as special information about long COVID or post-COVID.

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